Mirror mirror on the wall...

why for art though broken so?

When we’ve had trauma, abuse or negative things happen to us in our lives, it tends to skew the way we view ourselves. It’s as if we are looking at ourselves through a shattered mirror, not actually seeing ourselves for who and what we truly are, but rather viewing oursleves through jaded lenses obscured by the damage that our abusers have caused us. Rather than looking at this shattered mirror I want you to see the truth- that you are not this damaged, worthless victim but rather a strong and powerful survivor!

You may have scars – be them emotional or physical- but they don’t even begin to touch who you truly are inside. The beauty and strength that you carry within cannot be put out or destroyed! For a time your light may be dim, until you remember who you are. I want you to pay attention to who you continue to surround yourself with, whether it be friends, family, co-workers, even what media you are exposing yourself to because it all matters. Do the things you listen to and the people you spend time with help you to feel good about yourself? Do you feel empowered, supported and encouraged? Or do you feel put down, negative or angry? While you may not be able to turn back the hands of time and undue any of the painful things that have happened to you, you certainly can have a powerfully positive effect on your present and your future. A great place to start is looking at who you spend your time with and what you spend your time exposing yourself to. Take a look and see what you discover.


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